And the Olympics aren't really over yet - a month since it ended we're still celebrating Australia's athletes. That and the endless reports of scandals and shenanigans of the Olympians, who slept with whom?! Who pashed whom?!
Who cares?
It's like finding out your parents have sex. Honestly, these people must be under so much pressure to be mega-role models. And just because they're paid to be on cereal boxes and to take their kit off for underpants commercials! How do we repay them? In Sydney - by making them trawl across one end of town to another with forced smiles in emoticon-yellow sports jackets while crappy ticker tape is dispensed from a moving pickup, sandwiched between amateur marching bands and in a bizarre moment - some high-heeled pink costumed trannies. I think they got it wrong, Gay Mardi Gras is in March he-ladies!
These guys deserve their day in the sun sure, but all this fanfare about their non-sporting lives overshadows their patriotic athleticism and drive. I would rather celebrate their passion to push the human form to extremes through discipline and respect for organised sport.
Unless of course, there's a video of those Olympic backstage-locker/steam room post-Game events that's circulating around the internet, then I'll start to care. And only then if it's the Men's Polo team(s). Or those crazy Russian/German/Chinese/American gymnasts that I had the patience to watch. Or those taut divers? Or maybe all of them together?
Now that's an Olympic dream.
The Hit: (Download) Don't Rain On My Parade - Latoya London (American Idol - live) (now thaz gay)